Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Quest 12B - Pod Cast

I explored the directory provided by and found a wide variety available, ranging from "Learning Greek - Modern Greek Lessong 38 - At the Police Station" to Genealogy on Demand - episode 6, Family Birthday Calendar. I listened to Dances with Woofs - learning to teach your dog the following commands - down (including consideration of possible problems), stay (starting with short period of time, with distractions, and establishing a release word), shake (slap me five; getting dog to be ambi"paw"derous). Shown is Penny, who has already learned sit, stay, down and can "go around" (clockwise) or "make a circle" (counter-clockwise).

I found this a very effective way to convey information, although there are limitations, and in some situations having pictures would be very important. I could imagine using this to learn a language, make some recipes, and more. For library use, this might actually be a better format than YouTube for very short stories for young children (some libraries have storyline, a phone number parents can call and have their children listen to a 3 minute story).

Short podcasts for learning the basics of foreign languages would be an interesting service to offer patrons. They would always be available.

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